Saturday, December 6, 2008

Nothing going to affect my mood....

Recently heard some rumour about my friend saying some bad things about me with another male friend ... was quite piss off initially, but after i cool down, maybe is the way i have handle things that cos such nasty remarks... Just feel sorry for my male friend, as he is the innocent party...

Well, those people who had passed out such comments either they are childish or they do not have EQ... Anyway, whats goes ard will come ard...

Revenge is not the best solution...

Must reflect on myself... How can i improve on it??? Is ok if they will to approach me for help...

Friday, November 28, 2008

Team Gathering

Was having dinner at Waraku few hours ago, with my 2 other colleagues, Jackson & Emma, tho is a small group but really enjoyed myself ... not sure abt them....

Hope that we can go out more often, so that we will have a chance to get to know each other more... cos usu after the person resign, chances of meeting up again is low, just like SSL team...

The food is just so so, but they have took my 3rd credit cards before they manage to get charge it to my card, telling me that my card got prob... so troublesome, now got to call to check to ensure that they never over charge me... But this is not going to spoil my mood...

Cheers to C106 team, we hit more than $90K in Nov 08. YeAh!!! YEah!!! tho we are not the top but at least we break our own records... Jia You!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Finally!!! Graduate... (ending or begining???)

Woah, after 2 yrs & 9 mths of hard work, i have finally graduated with 2nd upper... During this 2yrs+, i have miss out a lot of things...

Happy, other than Happy is still HAPPY!!! But kind of lost...

Suddenly feel that i have grow old without realising it & pple ard me have been busy with their life. Turn back & take a look, other than study what else have i achieve... Now need to do a lot of catching, if not i will be left alone...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Can i manage??? Yes or No, is up to ME!!!

Feeling very low morale recently....

Can i really cope with my work??? i have ask myself many times recently... I am feeling so tired, is becos i don know how to reject top level give me work, or... i just dont know how to cope with my work...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Parting is part of our life

Colleagues resigning is norm in my office but not for dept till February our Auntie resigned and begining of April, A decided to go for further studies and today Uncle R also decided to leave in 2 weeks time....

I have been training lots of staff since i joined this dept last August, (almost 10 full & part time staff) feeling tired, cos they wont stay for more den 6 mths.... is it the work or the environment?

Parting is part of our life

Well, have been working for so many years, should be quite used to

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wu Chang (in chinese)

Feeling very sad...
Life is so unpredictable...
My youngest Uncle was killed in a car accident this afternoon...
He is just slowing down to stop at a traffic light, why the lorry drive so fast... An innocent life just lost like that...
I suppose my dad is feeling very sad, as this is my 2nd uncle that passed away for the past 2 yrs... 2006 was my eldest uncle who passed away after fainted outside the door...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

What have i done to deserve this???

My colleague show me a letter on the eve of CNY, after seeing the letter my heart drop & wonder why she show me on the eve? If she will to resign on other months i don feel anything, maybe will be even happier... but why now, cos her last day will fall on my 1st day of my exam leave. To make things worst, my other colleague is also on leave from during my exam period...

What have i done to deserve this???

Saturday, January 26, 2008


This year is the worst appraisal session that i have gone thru since i join in 2004.

Has my performance gone down or my boss expectation is too high? Haizzzz....

Very stress with my appraisal... How come my boss keep on asking me why i grade myself this or why i grade myself that for all the points, da da da... i must give a reason why i grade myself the rating... What is this man??? i tot my boss suppose to give his view, den we will discuss what is not met...

The rate that is done... i will be dying soon....