Friday, December 18, 2009

If only Love is just a game
I will be happy even tho the game ends
If only Love wont hurt
I will be enjoying the game throughout
If only Love wont change
I will not be hurt
If only Love is so simple
I wont need to change at all
If only….
Love is just a game
If you play it well, the game will never end
Love wont hurt
If you are able to enjoy
Love will not change
If you treat everyday as brand new
Love is so simple
If you don’t demand anything from it
If only you don’t change at all…

Precious 181209 14:07

Friday, November 20, 2009

LIke a piece of Shit

I just want to resign from my job... Is my life i decide what to do... Y must everyone telling me what to do... how to handle my work, my staff, my colleague, my bosses, politic... Please i dont need to support any1 of you, so STOP telling me what to do... I just want to leave my job... i din ask for your opinion or support... Do you know what i have gone thru??? The kind of insult that i have to take to get to my level... Yes i just got What!!! If saying that i'm lousy & I'M a LOSER than you are happy... I Admit... So STOP telling me what to do with Politic that is happening rite now... I need more mental support, if not you can visit me in IMH in time to come...

With all the stupid bitch around, Life suckz...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Work, Career or ...

Lost? confuse? upset? Mix feeling?

This week started with a scolding from my boss, 20+mins of scolding.... Well, do you think we care? hahahaha... we just 'bo song'...

Me already very busy with my work, now got to take care of my staff work, don even have the time to do my own backlog... Any1 of them notice anot??? I'm doing what they did not fulfill in the 1st place and not something that i was task to do... pls help me to push the temp staff to work lah since i manage to get 4 for them... Feeling lost, cos i help them, they dont appreciate, if i don help them, they will complaint that i'm not helping them.

They complaint they are tired after 1 week of working late... I am also very tired.... I have been working late daily & working many saturday for months...

Am i really that lousy as a senior? My team boycott me for lunch... what have i done wrong? Confuse....

The whole team give me attitude... If they choose not to work with me, they can always ask for transfer... they din realise that nobody is indispensible including me... If their attitude toward their work dont change nobody can help them...

Have the kind of urge to resign, cos my team is not cooperative & my boss scold me like a dog... almost cry out yesterday when he scolded me infront of my staff... He ask for report via SMS and i send him an email with the full detail but he din check his email, is it my fault...

Work is just not on my side... feeling lousy...

My life is just work & nothing else... so sad... & my work is not doing well which means i have nothing else to rely on, if my career is off... I feel very lousy...

What have i done right from the beginning till now, other den completed my degree...

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Feeling very low today...

Did not start my day rite, with all the scolding from my boss... Controllable or uncontrollable... Start to double my own ability, am i suitable for the job???

Failure is the part & puzzle of life... is through failure we learn & grow (the TV is showing now)

Feeling better now...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


today they announce our promotion...
Ok, looking at my title you will know that i miss it again...
Was told few yrs that back that if i do good i still need to have my degree... Got my degree & was performing well last year, but due to what happen last 2 months i was remove from the promotion??? if that is the case, it is not fair as last 2 months is not the appraisal period...
the best part is my boss tells everyone that i will be promoted... NOW what... got to answer all the curious people...
F**K lah, if cant confirm don go round & tell people, even outsider also knows about it... like i cant work, so management don want to promote me like tat...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


After 1 year & 4 months i decided to rebond my hair, was having perm hair for the past 1 yr, kind of miss it after i rebond my hair, should have take a pix of my perm hair before i rebond...

After rebonding, realise that my hair is very long, wanted to cut it short initially, but doubtful of how it will look after cutting it short...

Haizzzz....women always cant make up their mind...