Sunday, December 16, 2007

Injure my toe

Wah liew, very sway... Standing in a bus also injure my toe.... so painful... it was bleeding & the feet is swollen.... cant reallly walk properly....

Monday, December 10, 2007

New Love???

Was having family dinner last nite to celebrate my dad birthday... he is 63 on Monday (10th December)....

My brother Phillip, was telling me that his GOD have a vision for him that i will be getting a boyfriend if i'm my feminine and in order to maintain the relationship i need to be humble.... Well, he added by saying that i look feminine after i perm my hair, as for the rest i have control myself....

How do i control myself to be humble, cos in the 1st place i don find myself arrogant... So is it fated that i will be alone for my whole life??? Actually been alone is not such a bad idea after all, cos i have been alone for the past 6 yrs... except that i will felt lonely when christmas is near by...

I know i have lost something important in christmas, but i cant rem what, some1 ever told me tat if i cant rem den it is not important after all.... but i will feel kind of missing something during this seasons.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Time to let GO?

Just reach home after a day full of activities; it started at 10.30am in the morning, went to temple, shopping and go KTV with Adeline, and meet up with Conrad and Yasmin for dinner and pool session.

Everything went on fine, only got to realise that i have lost my sentimental hairclip after i reach home. I have been using the the clip for 8 yrs, finally is time to say goodbye... feeling kind of lost and heartpain, but nothing much i can do... Maybe it is time for me to let go be prepare for the new love...

P.S. Hairclip is from Daven abt this timing 8 yrs ago... He spent few hours just to look for this hairclip... and i love it very much...

Friday, November 23, 2007


Something is not rite with me but i cant tell what!!! Frustrate.... It all started since yesterday morning, knowin that i'm shortage of time for my studies, cant help just spent hours and hours of my time watching DCD, & the stupid DVD keep on jam.... I know i'm running away from something...

Why cant my bros arrange a gathering on their own when i told them that i will be free after 3rd of Dec??? Must keep on calling me, or have i always be the 1 doing the arrangement, why cant they just leave me out with my life...

Finally decide to have a early rest so that i will be fully charge today.... For God Sakes, what the hell is my mom trying to to do in the middle of the nite adjusting my curtain, & makes lot of noise to wake me up.... Already have such a bad day & cant even have a good rest... now what!!!! cant sleep & having very bad margraine & WORST cant study.... Why cant she just leave me alone with my room, everything she come back from my bro place, she will give me problems, either on the TV even tho she knows that i'm trying to study for my paper, or walk into my room putting some clothes or adjusting my curtain when i'm asleep, this is not the 1st time she is doing all this things... told her so many time not to enter my room while i'm asleep... why cant she just let me rest peacefully...

Feeling very stress up, having very bad stiff shoulder.... feel like crying but i cant, feel like i might explode... wanted to talk to someone but who is available at the middle of the nite.... Can some1 save me from all this... why do i have to go thru all this....

What happen to me??? Something seems to be eating me up slowly... I know it, but WHAT!!!! Am sure is definite not due to stress on study.... can some1 help me...

Friday, October 12, 2007


Yeah!!! Finally, received all my result... 2A 1C 1D

Have to put in more effort for my current module for this round.

Jia You!!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007


Was having migraine since Tuesday.... After 4 days of non-stop stress over my results, i finally receive 3 out of 4... but my migraine is still with me... Why the school want to release the result in batch??? So stress...

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

SingPost is not efficient....

Today, receive news from my colleague that he had received his result, out of curiousity, i msg my fren from the same intake but diff major, she has received hers as well.... So i told my classmate, all of us rush home after class to check out result...

After 1hr+ of worries, finally got myself home, open the letterbox, but there is no letter...
Oh Shit!!!! Already worried like mad, now still no letter, i have to hold on to this kind of feeling for the next 24 hours, is unbearable...

My classmate called & said that she score 15 marks for MEB.... WHAT???? 15 marks???? how can that be??? & 2 of our results are not release, as UOB is holding back... Holding back??? Does it mean good or bad!!!! Make me more worried, having mirgaine when I'm writing all this, shoulder, neck & whole body pain....

How to survive for the next 24 hours???

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Feeling very tired

I think my patience is up to the limit... Why do i have to stay up till 8pm+ daily, whereas my coll by just saying that she cant cope & i have to handle her work... i know that i have to give her chance, but at the rate it is going, it will kill me 1st...

I'm handling 2 project currently, tho my new project is still coming slow, but how can i rem so many things, have to remind her to do all her work, give her more work, she will tell me that she cant cope have to take panadol... I also cant cope...

What is my purpose of transfering dept, so tat i wont be so busy, but now i work later den when i was in sales... $$$ also earn lesser...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Why do I miss you so badly suddenly?

Try to take a nap while waiting for my lesson to start. You just came into my mind; all the happy moments & when our relationship come to an end; tear just flow down...

Am I feeling very lonely in a noisy classroom or I really miss you so badly.... Don know how have you been for the past yrs, I doubt we will even talk if we met on the street...

Just feel very empty & lonely suddenly...

Monday, September 17, 2007

Ryu Soo Young

Was watching his show since last weekend, tho he is not very handsome, a bit fat, due to fat make him look short as well, but he has the kind of charm when he smile....

Was watch 18 vs 29 last week, so out of curiousity, i started to check him out, den realise that he acted in quite a no of show, but don seems to notice him... he even acted in RA show before, heehee.... tat time he must be quite slim, i suppose.... heeeheee

In the show 18 vs 29, he was devoted to his wife... in real life will any guy be so devoted given the temptation by so many things.... Not easy to come across a good guy.... Just like the other show, rebirth-next, man still man, just cant make up their mind if they are given a choice...

Must come back to reality.... after tat is just a show...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

What will i become when i reach 50 yrs old???

Feel very curious what will i be doing when i reach 50 yrs old...

I have a new colleague that just join us last week, she is about 50 yrs old, has very good working attitude but she is no good in using Words & Excel.... how can i teach her how to use??? i tried my best to help but just preparing few document she need the whole day & keep on telling me that she is very busy... Tried to help but after listing down what she need to do, i realise that there are only few things that she is required to do... but she took the whole day.... how???

I can be sure that she got no problem with her work, just that she is no good in using the programme...

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Always heard from my mom that my cousin can draw very well... Was impress the moment i saw the paint done by him at my Uncle's shop....

Zhaoli is 1 yr old

ZhaoLi is 1 yr old...

Very happy as today is ZhaoLi birthday!!!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Buffet @ Merchant Court Hotel

Was having dinner with my SSL colleague few hours ago, me eat a lot but not to the extend tat i can eat non-stop..... This is the 2nd buffet tat i went within a week... The last 1 that i went was The Line at Shang... after been there, Merchant Court is nothing lor... tho the spread is not bad but just don have the feeling that i can go round after round w/o having to think what to eat.

Really enjoy their company, just feel tat our Uncle is having some problem, cos he don seems happy throughout the nite... Feeling a bit sad tat bob is leaving, but happy that he is persuing his interest... Kind of feeling like the group is not the same from the start anymore... people come & go, from initial only Celia, Suresh, Patra, Joan & myself... to later we have KW, Mae, Ric, Chris, Bharti & Bob, and after Celia, Joan & Bob left, the team don seems to be so fun like last time...

Life goes on...

Saturday, August 4, 2007

DND - Oscar Nite 2007

Today is our office Oscar Nite, suppose to dress for the nite and enjoy, but i was so stress for the past 2 days, cos i don have a dinner dress yet..... need to get 1 tat can cover my fats...

After 2 days of non-stop shopping, & my legs going to give way..... i manage to get a more presentable dress.... Why so laychei??? cos i need to be on stage....Why me need to be on stage??? Total i spent $200 on dress, shoe, make-up & hair do.... BUT never win any prize at all.... haiz....

The dinner was fun....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


YES!!! Finally finish my exam....
The worst has yet to come, waiting for result cant really kill....But forgot about the rest 1st, just enjoy myself....
End of Exam also mean the end of my break, need to go back to work on Wed....

Monday, July 30, 2007

After 1 week of non stop cramping all the notes into my brain, finally tml will be my last paper... Can i really relax after tat??? Din do well for my paper on Friday, how can i make such a mistake, don want to redo the paper, pls HELP me !!!

After my exam, i will have to return back to work, haizzz worst then having exam...

I wish I'm a tai tai, so don have to go to work...... Who Want to FEED Me???? Any taker?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Believe Behave Become!!!

Remember Believe Behave Become!!!

Was reminder by 93.3 FM Mary tonite, if you believe that what you encounter is going to bring you luck or strengthen yourself, you will behave like you are going to be 1 and finally you will be 1. Even if you did not become the 1 but you are somewhere ard there...

The story have come in time, at least it have motivate me in a way.

BELIEVE in yourself!!!


Very angry with my going to be ex boss, already transfer out to avoid her, why she cant leave me alone.... Me on leave for my exam, still give me "homework" to do.... she got nothing better to do, isit???? Why must she access to my laptop and need all my files, whereby everything i have cc her, make me all the way to office to return it and cant wait till i return from leave.... She will get back what she did to me in doubt...

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Freedom or ....

Today is my 1st day of my 1 month leave, Happy?? I'm not.... don have a reason for feeling down as well.

Received my new laptop this morning, finally can online from home.... But my exam is round the corner, not suppose to go online so frequently. Have so much reading to be done, looking at piles & piles of notes, already turn me off.... My exam is just 19 days away, have not even started any proper revision yet.... Really have to pray very hard this round.... heehee!!!