Thursday, May 10, 2012


I thought I will not meet someone whom i  love so much compare to Daven, but I was wrong after I was with you... 
You make me feel being love... 
You make me realised that I can trust some1 so much... 
You make me feel so secure... 
I can share everything with you...
I can talk a lot with you & keep quiet also feel that you will know me... 
We can quarrel but once we hug each other, we are able to put everything aside & care for each other again... 

How come I did not come to realise all these before we break off???

You have done a lot for me... 
You build the trust by letting me know where you are everytime...
You build the trust by sharing your past with me...
You respect me by asking or telling me before you agreed to your own activities... 
You bring me to see your family to show that you are serious... 
You compromise your MJ sessions so that you have more time with me...
You will bring me to anyway I want to go even thou you dont enjoy going... 

You have done lots of things that I take it for granted... 
You love me your way but yet I want to change you to love me the way I wanted... 

I love you so much that I have problem breathing whenever i think of you or the things that we have done together... 
I love you so much that everytime i heard 伴 this song,  I will cry... (If Life can restart, I will let you hold my hand again, even thou the result is the same... cos I felt the Love you have for me) 
I wanted to thanks you for making me realised that I can be love again and some1 will love me too... 

I Love you so much that I am willing to accept you being a smoker, but din expect you to ask for breakoff cos i ask you to cut down when u r with me... 

Sad to know that you are unsure about me & you prefer to let go when your feeling for me is not develop yet... 
So all the care/Love that I feel all along???
1 month had passed since we break off on the 13th April (Friday), I am still asking myself... 

Wish you & your family well... 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Happy but Lonely...

Feeling kind of down on National Day...
Is it lonely or just tired?

Seeing all my frens either married or having children (pregnant), tho i am very happy for them but i feel lonely at times...
I am not lack of suitors but just that those i like dont seems to react but those i don like seems to keep on pestering me... hahaha...

When will i find my other half... or will i ever find 1...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Reasons or Excuses...

Is not that i have no confidence with myself...
I just have no confidence with the situation and feel insecure about it...

Is not that i like drama...
Just tat i like to ask when i'm in doubt and you have cause the whole situation to be in doubt, you are also the 1 who ask me to ask u directly when i'm in doubt... & now you tell me that i like to create drama... hahaha...

Always sick...
That is me, if you cant even take care of me when i'm having small sickness, what more when i get old...


Sunday, April 3, 2011



Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reality of LIfe

Once i tender from my current job, the person whom used to be very good to me suddenly all change... am i too sensitive or they are just too busy?

They don bother with the effort that was put in but the moment there is some lapse, emails are flying all ard to shot me down...

Ask me HOW? on the last week of my service...
What HOW? In the 1st place there is no question ask before this... what do u expect me to answer... (laughing in my heart) cos this question is just for show in front of every1 to show that he treat his staff well or just a follow up from my CEO remarks
Will he even ask, if my CEO never say his piece during our meeting?

Total disappointment with the person i respect the most in this company...
But that is reality in life, cos you are of no used anymore...

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Life is fragile

When to hospital yesterday to visit my staff... i almost cry out ...
Suddenly i feel very hot & not able to breathe properly & start to feel giddy & everything is spinning... feel like vomitting & hot...
I din know my heart is so weak...
Is it bcos i'm not well or see his skinny body that makes me scare...

Have the feeling of stop breathing for the 2nd time this week....

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Work, Work & Work

my life is nothing except for work...
my staff have been complaining for the past few months...
do they know i have my frustration as well... & i cant complain to any1...
do they know that i have been covering lots of her work...
do they know that ACM is also human & my workload is overflowing & still need to help them to finish their work... & management is asking me why am i not doing what i'm suppose to do...
do they know that they are the only group of executives that come into office ard 9am & leave the office on the dot... what more they wan to complain...
Feel like leaving everything behind & just go...
can i last for another 10 weeks??? abit doubtful....
going to breakdown any min....

looking back, i have surviving with the same group of executives for the past 2.5 yrs....
either they are good or i'm good at enduring/ignoring them... LOL

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Back to work after 1 month of MC

Back to work few days ago, after 1 month of MC & Hospitalisation Leave...
My butt still pain after the fall...

Have been looking forward to come back to work, but after coming back just feel that i am not welcome back...
cos during my absent, they can do what they want or dont do also nobody will scold them...
list & list of work was given to them once i came back...
Don seems to be bother with their own work...
keep on talking about their own stuff...
remind them to get it done before Mgmt look into it...
end up still got an email why so many things not done...
they are not the 1 writing all the explanatio that why they don bother to get their job done...
remind them about their work, they can answer back that the course just ended...
the whole monring just talk, if wan to do all the work already complete...
keeps on telling pple that she needs to work till midnight & work on weekend...
if you stop going to smoke every 2 hrs (15-30 mins) & stop talking for 1-1.5hrs in the morning, i can be sure that you can finish ur work on time...


Friday, December 18, 2009

If only Love is just a game
I will be happy even tho the game ends
If only Love wont hurt
I will be enjoying the game throughout
If only Love wont change
I will not be hurt
If only Love is so simple
I wont need to change at all
If only….
Love is just a game
If you play it well, the game will never end
Love wont hurt
If you are able to enjoy
Love will not change
If you treat everyday as brand new
Love is so simple
If you don’t demand anything from it
If only you don’t change at all…

Precious 181209 14:07

Friday, November 20, 2009

LIke a piece of Shit

I just want to resign from my job... Is my life i decide what to do... Y must everyone telling me what to do... how to handle my work, my staff, my colleague, my bosses, politic... Please i dont need to support any1 of you, so STOP telling me what to do... I just want to leave my job... i din ask for your opinion or support... Do you know what i have gone thru??? The kind of insult that i have to take to get to my level... Yes i just got What!!! If saying that i'm lousy & I'M a LOSER than you are happy... I Admit... So STOP telling me what to do with Politic that is happening rite now... I need more mental support, if not you can visit me in IMH in time to come...

With all the stupid bitch around, Life suckz...